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液态硅胶(LSR)射出成型-Liquid Silicone Rubber Injection molding

责任编辑:盈泰高精  发布日期:2019-10-23

液态硅胶(LSR)射出成型-Liquid Silicone Rubber Injection molding

Liquid Silicone Rubber (lsr) has existed since the late 1970s and has become the material of choice for manufacturing rubber parts and products. The distinctive qualities of liquid silicone rubber injection molding make it different from molding conventional high-consistency silicone and other thermoplastic injection molding processes.

Liquid Silicone Rubber injection molding has thousands of applications across a variety of industries, including medical, automotive, infant care, general industrial markets, aerospace, electronics, and many other specialized industries. While liquid silicone rubber injection molding works best for short- and long-run part production, customers can employ the process in the final stages of prototyping.

As one of the global premier injection molding companies, YINGTAI works exclusively with liquid silicone rubber injection molding. We have produced billions of liquid silicone rubber parts for Fortune 100 and other leading businesses worldwide. We have the manufacturing expertise to provide services that range from prototyping to serial production of high-precision components.

YINGTAI’s ability to provide fast, high-quality service has led to a global reputation for commitment to customer satisfaction and our team of liquid silicone rubber injection molding experts can assist you through the entire process. Contact your YINGTAI representative today and learn how we can help you with your liquid silicone rubber injection molding needs.Contact: Mrs. Zhang, Tel: (+86)17722437688.









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  • 深圳市盈泰高精密五金橡胶有限公司    版权所有
  • 工厂地址:广东省东莞市长安镇长安步步高路359号
  • 总 机:0769-83666863 或 0769-83666693
  • 邮箱: zmm@yingtai168.com      手机:17722437688
  • 备案号:粤ICP备12081796号-3

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关键词: 硅胶包胶 硅胶包塑胶 硅胶包五金 液态硅胶包胶 塑胶制品 注塑件